Business Innovation 2005

Top Tips For Moving Trees In Winter Weather

Although winter weather may seem like the ideal time to stay snuggled up indoors, it can actually be the perfect time to transplant trees! Without the leaves losing water through transpiration and with dormant roots, winter is one of the best seasons to move trees. Environmental Design Inc are expert in tree relocation. Here are our top tips for moving trees in winter weather.

Tip #1: Choose Your Tree Wisely

When selecting a tree for transplanting, it’s important to consider the size of both the root ball and the trunk. You’ll want to make sure that you can properly dig up the root ball without damaging the roots, and that once transplanted, the tree will have enough space to grow. It’s also important to take into account the type of tree you’re transplanting. Some trees are more delicate than others and may not survive being moved. If you’re unsure about whether a particular tree is a good candidate for transplanting, ask your local nursery or tree company for advice.

Tip #2: Timing is Key

The best time to transplant most trees is in late fall or early winter, when they’re dormant. This means that the tree isn’t actively growing, so there’s less of a chance that it will be stressed by the move. However, there are some exceptions – if you’re transplanting a evergreen, it’s best to do so in early spring before new growth begins. Likewise, if you’re moving a deciduous tree (one that loses its leaves in winter), late winter or early spring is ideal. This gives the roots time to establish themselves before the hot summer weather sets in.

Tip #3: Prepare Your Tree for Transport

Once you’ve selected your tree and timings for transplanting, it’s time to get started! To ensure that your tree survives the journey from its old home to its new one, it’s important to take some precautions. If possible, wait until just before you dig up the tree to make any final pruning cuts – this will minimize stress on the tree. When you do dig up the roots, be sure to do so carefully so as not to damage them. Once roots are exposed to air, they begin to dry out quickly, so it’s important not to let them sit too long before replanting them in their new home. To help keep roots moist during transport, wrap them in burlap or another breathable material, such as cheesecloth soaked in water.


With these tips in mind, you’re ready to venture out into the cold and transplant some trees! Just remember to choose your tree wisely. Timing is key, and take steps to prepare your tree for transport before setting off on your chilly adventure.

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