Business Innovation 2005

The Boom Of AGM Webcast In The Business

Webcasting is a technological boom in the market and made the presentation and meetings more reliable. It is a process of broadcasting the video over the internet and audio as well. Therefore, the AGM webcast is now an important part of the business.

What is the process of webcasting? 

Some of you might confuse the webcasting process with video conferencing. However, it is sort of a different theme from each other. Before getting into the process, you must know some knowledge about AGM. Annual General meeting shortly is known as AGM, where the board members are supposed to discuss the annual report and results of the business and propose a business as well.

AGM webcast doesn’t allow the participants to operate the conferencing while the video conferencing allows the participants to function and operate. The shareholders can watch and tune the whole AGM but are not supposed to participate in the meeting because they are only allowed to listen and see the host’s presentation.

Tips for hosting webcasting meeting

Here are some tips you can count on as a host while conducting a session:

  • Focus on what your attendees are looking for in the meeting and if they are active or not.
  • Get straight to the point: you need to be clear with what you will deliver and prepare yourself with the questions.
  • Check the technical stuff: If they work properly or not, such as the chat option is working or not, and the voice command is in working operation.

Webcasting also includes the live streaming of the video, which means it is a real-time process where viewers can enjoy the live process. Nowadays, technological development has made these tools a lot easier, effective, and affordable. It has involved itself in the new trend and era for direct communication with the respected audience.

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